Test of knowledge, Spirituality
discipline and faith for the MFI Members
Gohar Shahi Marhaba: La Illaha Illa Riaz
Q1: What is the religion of God? And where the followers of the
Religion of God are destined to rest hereafter?
Religion of God is the religion of Soul. As human beings practice the
religion brought by prophets, it takes impact on their lifestyle,
similarly the religion of God is the lifestyle of God. Once you not only
meet God(liqa) you see him how he lives and you adopt his lifestyle, you
are then in the same religion of his. (Your soul then is in practice of
what he soul does). And this is discovery of God lifestyle “the Religion
of God”. Your soul and his live in the same style, this is why you are
called friend of God.
The followers of Religion of God reach Janat Al Firdaws, which is the
highest heaven because you have no Grand sins(Batin-e-sins) or small
sins(Body sins) to be judge for (since you are living as he is). God
sends you Janat AlFIrdaws because there is nothing greater on his hand
to offer you than that.
Q2: what is Ishq-e- Riaz? And where does it take you?
Ishq-e- Riaz is when your nature, your character and your lifestyle
turned to Riaz.
Meaning, Your Soul mingles with his Soul and you become his Mirror.
Looking at him in Zahir is looking at the mirror of batin.
Ishk Riaz is when your Soul does Tawaf around Rab Alarab Batiny’ Body
shape and circles around him. every minute part of you is mingled in
You are in complete Join (Zam Kamil), you are adopting his nature, his
character, and you are the Walking RIAZ in Zahir.
You become Him he becomes you. ÇИÑæäí ÂИјã۔۔۔ You Say Riaz You say
Gohar, he says Younus.
Ishk Riaz is when you died and only Gohar left in You., Meaning you only
recognize Gohar and Only Gohar Speak, talk and Walk.ãæÊæ ÞÈá Çä ÊãæÊæÇ
this is Ishk
Joined Souls of you and Riaz takes you to RIAZ ALJANA
Q3: Explain the difference between Imam Mehdi and Gohar Shahi the
Grand God.
God has given the Word of Ism to all Anbia. Zat of Ism and the word of
Ism are granted to Mohamed S.A.W only. God has given the Imam Mehdi
Gohar Shahi the the copy of jussa tawfeek illahi and the teefl Noory of
God (the orgine ones stays with God) . If the coming of Imam Mehdi has
only Ism Zat and the word of Allah won’t make any difference in humanity
so Rab Al Arbab granted Imam Mehdi the Rouh of Ism that makes Imam Mehdi
special and different from Mohamed.
For this reason (The Rouh of Ism) is what made Gohar Discover the
lifestyle of God and brought and introduce the Dine Illahi.
Rab Alarbab has granted him Rouh of Ism which God is made of and what
God cant grant you. If God grant you his Ism Rouh that means he himself
comes down to earth.
So Imam Mehdi is of two connections One of God and one of Rab
Gohar Shahi Rab Alarbab is the Soul of RAB ALARBAB means RAB ALARBA ON
earth that God couldn’t do it.
The Rouh of RAB alARBAB is the one who give a birth to the Rouh of
Allah(community of Allah)
Q4: Explain the Level of respect and Etiquettes of faith in his
Holiness Gohar Shahi?
Adab is to make you Lord happy and fulfilled his desires and this can
only be accomplished when Noor is granted to your heart and reflect on
you by Etibaa and followed automatically by Itaat.
The more you protect the noor granted to you the more you have respect
for the one enlightened you, moreover the Adab brings the Nazar of the
Murshid to you and he become satisfied with you and grant you more Noor.
Q5: Explain the bearer of Aks –e- Riaz(Reflection of RIAZ). Can be
treated, respected and behaved in the same capacity as H.H.GohaR Shahi?
The bearer of acks Riaz is the one who has the reflection of Rab Alarbab.
In Zahir of Rab Alarb is the Acks and the only way to the origin. He is
the one that brings the Batiny Qorb of Rab AlArbab.
If you don’t let light of the sun enter your Room(Love of YounuS(Acks)
in Your Heart) you won’t be able to enlighten your room and kills the
germs of Darkness(Nafs) for the enjoyment of the reflection in your
It is impossible to invite the Sun (Rab AlArbab) itself to come in your
Room. You can’t reach the Sun but the reflection is here you only need
to open your windows.
Once you admit and believe the reflection can shine your room you will
come to realize that the reflection has the same effectiveness of the
Sun and then you want differentiate between the sun and the reflection
of the sun the Rab AlArbab and the Acks of Rab Alarbab.
Once the Yaqeen and acceptance is there, the reflection grants you the
light and you automatically are grateful, respectful to the reflection
as to the Sun.
Q6: Suhbaty AlHousn.
Once Noor is granted to your heart by the Suhbat-e- YounuS, the suhba
reflect on you by bringing the changes in your attribute. The attributes
are converted to the attribute of the Murshid who enlightened you in his
You become as a mirror, when Murshid is looking at the mirror once he
makes any movement you make the same movement.
Judgement by people
It is judged by others when they come to discover the tremendous changes
in your personality. It comes to the point that people would say he or
she is imitating his or her Murshid.
You start to act like him; In general you come to adopt his nature.
Judgment by yourself
Is related of the changes you make in batin. It is judged by the
progress of Nafs and Qalb stages.
You see yourself that you are started to regret the sins you have
committed such as Namima, Boghad, hassad, Enad and Kubar and this is
called conversion from Nafs Amara to Lawama. In the same time your heart
turns from Sanawbar to Saleem which prevents you from holding grudge and
engave in Zikar.
The second stage, you stop committing sins by receiving Ilham from
Murshid which demonstrate your Nafs is turned from lawama to Ilhama.
And you start differentiate between HAQ and Batil as the same way your
Murshid identified it. Meaning your heart is converted from Salim to
And when your Nafs takes a shape of Enssan and you feel Love not only
for God but for the entire Humanity that indicates that your nafs has
reach the final stage which Nafs Mutmaeena.
And then Gohar Shahi takes out your heart and replaced with his heart
and replaced it with his heart, you become Qalb-e- Shaheed.
And not only your heart, all your Lataif and blood stream get enlighten
and turned completely to Noor.
What come out from you is Noor either by words or by touch or by
Q7: Explain the difference between Obedience and Imitation
Obedience is of Shariat and Law of earthly religions that you must
practice in order to to keep your body safe and accepted in the
His Holiness GohaR Shahi does not practice Etaat, He rather grants you
Noor that makes you automatically do Etibaa and the Etaat is not felt.
You enjoy serving your Lord. Serving him make you happy you don’t feel
it is an order.
For examples,
You Murshid doesn’t walk fast, you don’t walk fast
Your Murshid doesn’t speak loud you don’t speak loud
Your Murshid doesn’t fight back and harm people you don’t either.
If your Murshid doesn’t like things such as being asked where he was and
why questions, so you don’t like it either and you don’t do what he
Meaning, you feel what he likes and what he dislike without being asked.
Q8: Explain what you understand by inhalations of Fana fee Sheikh?
And discuss his rule?
Fana means immortal, means his soul, his existence and presence
never dies.
Fana Fee Sheikh is the one His Lataif are died (doesn’t belong to him
And his heart is connected to Habal Allah. He is continuously in
connection with God.
In order to be in true guidance you look for him, for the one who has
the habal.
The role of Fana fee Sheikh:
Since his granted the power that breaks the Khartoum around you heart,
he is the one capable to enlighten your heart. And this process of Fana
fee sheikh takes along process to do so, but with Fana fee AlGohar IS
just with one glance of his eyes.
Once he enlightens your heart, it is up to you to be in the progress of
the Nafs purification. If you show the willing, the sheikh grants you
one of his Jussa from his qalb and put it in yours. That jussa will
guide you to the right path(Sirat AlMustaqeem) and meet God(Leqa Bellah)
Hassania AlGohaR