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 Home : Latest News : 15. February 2007



Mehdi Foundation International
United Kingdom

Hassania AlGohar
General Secretary of M.F.I

Today, we gather here to record our concerns and protest against the anti-Imam Mehdi policies of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Kingdom runs a fierce campaign against Imam Mehdi.

First of all, I would like to announce that His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the awaited Imam Mehdi. God has manifested the images of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi on various objects, places and planets, including the Moon, the Sun, the Mars, the Earth, and the Nebula Star, on sacred stone in Shiv Temple, in the Holy Black Stone, (Hajar Al Aswad) in Ka’ba, Mecca.

The news of appearance of the images of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi on the Moon and Hajar Aswad was publicised in almost all countries. Saudi Arabia and its allies disapproved of it, and reacted with anger and fury, as if His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has himself created these images in Hajar Aswad. They say, “Images are regarded as unlawful in Islam, how the image could appear in the Hajar Aswad? “ They don’t accept that God’s acts are not unlawful. The Saudi Kingdom has obtained from its religious courts a fatwa of capital punishment for His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. The Saudi Government has instructed its authorities that His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi should be assassinated, if he steps on the soil of Saudi Arabia. Pro-Saudi Islamic Sects in Pakistan are conspiring to eradicate His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and His Teachings of Divine Love. These Sects have instigated false cases of blasphemy against His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi in Pakistan. Many attempts have been made on life of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.

As the News of images appearing in the Hajar Aswad was publicised in Pakistani Media, many people accepted it, after a thorough research, many people made mockery out of it, without carrying out a research, and some other regarded it as magic. Later, the image of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi appeared in the space also. In 1998 a Pakistani local newspaper published the news, that of appearance of an image in Hajar Aswad. We were already aware of the existence of this image in Hajar Aswad. We also have had many marked up photographs of Hajar Aswad in our possession. And almost all my followers had made thorough research into the matter. I remained quiet in the matter, because I suspected a great resilience among Muslim Community, which could spark mischief. I was however, encouraged by the news item in the local newspaper. We started to publicise the matter thereon. Almost all Muslims carried out research into this matter, because it concerned their Faith. Most of the public agreed and accepted it. Some enemies labelled it as magic.
The Pro-Saudi Islamic Sects are striving hard to divert the attention of the public from the issue of Hajar Aswad through negative propaganda, tactics and bogus cases. Why do they ignore this issue? Why don’t they carry out a thorough research into this matter? It is a highly sensitive issue, and it is feared that not reaching at the truthfulness of the matter could lead the public to destroy their faith. Enough propaganda in negative and positive has been done that now it is almost impossible to ignore this issue.

The Image of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi in Hajar Aswad is so clear that it is impossible to deny its existence. They have now found a pretext to deny the Image by labelling it to be sorcery. Please note that Mohammad the Prophet of Islam said, “the Moon cannot be made subject to sorcery”. They say, “Hajar Aswad is also under the effect of magic.”

We say, “If the Ka’ba also can be made subject to sorcery, then what place else do Muslims possess for their protection?”

They say, “At some stage, even Mohammad, the Prophet was also affected by magic. Is Ka’ba greater than the Prophet Mohammad? “

We say, “Verily, the Prophet Mohammad was affected by magic, but Surah Wannas was revealed in order to nullify the magic spell.”

We advise, “You also must use Surah Wannas in order to nullify the magic on the Moon and Hajar Aswad. If with the recitation of Surah Wannas, these images are not eradicated, but become even clearer, then you shall have to accept the truthfulness of these images. Should you still deny these images, then you are indeed the father of ignorance (Abu Jahel).”

I would like to warn the Saudi Kingdom that His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the awaited Imam Mehdi, and no power on earth can stop us from propagating this truth. Your government has deliberately painted Hajar Aswad to conceal the identity of Imam Mehdi. I warn that concealing the signs of God is a severe crime against God and His Creation. God manifests His signs to help His creation RECOGNIZE the Divinely ordained personalities.

The Saudi Kingdom is responsible for ruining the faith and pilgrimage of billions of Muslims, and responsible for depriving the entire non-Muslim population of the right to revere and kiss the Holy Black Stone.

I warn the Saudi Kingdom that the Time is not far when Imam Mehdi Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi shall overthrow the throne and Kingdom of Al-Saud Family.

We would like to raise the voice of suppression against the oppression of the Saudi Kingdom. The Saudi Kingdom is not only involved in harbouring and financing the International Terrorism but also depriving humanity from their principle rights of carrying out their religious rituals. For Example; The Holy Black Stone, which is centre of reverence to many celestial religions, is forced to be inaccessible to all non-Muslims, whereas, historically. Islam is not the proprietor of the Black Stone.

History reveals that Adam brought the holy black stone from heavens. Abraham and his son Ishmael refitted it. Hindu's come from the nation of Adam, and Jews belong to Abraham, however none of them are allowed to access the sacred stone. This is a forced oppression upon humanity, and a deplorable act. According to the Prophet of Islam, all humanity, regardless of their religious background, may find salvation by virtue of kissing the sacred black stone. Ironically enough, the Saudi Kingdom does not allow non-Muslims to enter the city of Mecca, let alone accessing the sacred stone which is fitted in the Ka’ba. Since it is an established truth that Adam brought it from heavens, who is the first Vicegerent of God on the earth, and custodian of the Black Stone, The Last Vicegerent Imam Mehdi is the Owner of the black stone, and His Divine Grace would take it back to heavens where it was brought from. After pictures of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi appearing on the Moon, the Sun, the Mars, the Earth, The Holy Black Stone, in Hindu Temple, and many others places, it is proved that His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the Awaited Imam Mehdi and the Original Owner of the Black Stone. Therefore, we demand it from the Saudi Kingdom to hand over the Black Stone to Mehdi Foundation International, so that all the humanity may freely exercise their religious rituals, and find salvations. We would like to voice against the organized butchery of Humanity, Saudi-financed Al-Qaeda and all other forms of International Terrorism by the Saudi Kingdom. Saudi Kingdom undercover harbours the Terrorists, the proof of which can be traced from the incident of September the ELEVENTH, where 15 out of 19 terrorists were Saudi's. The Saudi Kingdom is notorious among many Muslim countries also, as well as among western block. They regard Egypt, Indonesia, Iran and many other countries as their enemies, just because they do not accept their version of Islam. Saudi Kingdom is one of the many Gulf Countries who does not accept Human rights policies of the United Nation. Osama Bin Laden is a Saudi descent, and the world renowned terrorist leader, who lead the notorious terrorist group, "Al-Qaeda". Saudi Kingdom also instructed the concerned authorities that assassination attempts must be made on His Holiness RaRiaz Gohar Shahi's life, should he step on Saudi Soil. False cases of Blasphemy against Islam, the Quran and the Prophet Mohammad were instigated against His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi in Pakistan by Pro-Saudi Religious parties. The Black Stone was painted to conceal the image of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and Jesus Christ that has appeared in the Black Stone.

Hajar Al Aswad----Three Points
Hajar Al Aswad must be made accessible to all members of the humanity regardless of their religious background, as it is not the sole property of Islam. Hajar Al Aswad used to be revered and worshipped in pre-Islamic Era also. Speculations are that Hajar Al Aswad has been removed from its place. In which case, the pilgrimage becomes null and void. The Faith of Billions of Muslims is at stake. We demand reassurance that Hajar Al Aswad is still there. We demand from the Saudi Kingdom to carry out a scientific research into the existence of the Images of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and Jesus Christ that exist in Hajar Al Aswad. If our claim, that of the appearance of these images is proved false, we may be severely punished. God manifests these images in Hajar Al Aswad, which proves these images are not unlawful. It also rejects bogus stories of the Saudi Kingdom that images are against the Islamic Law.

His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the Last Vicegerent of God, Imam Mehdi. His image is clearly visible in Hajar Aswad. Hajar Aswad belongs to His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. Therefore, we demand that Hajar Aswad must be handed over to MEHDI FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL.


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